22 Long Rifle Benchrest

100 Yard Benchrest Shoot. 22LR Caliber Only

Often held the second Thursday of the month, but check the club calendar page for specific dates.

 Safety meeting 5:45PM; 1st Shoot Relay begins at 6PM

The RIFLE RANGE WILL BE CLOSED AT 5PM to prepare targets


There will likely be 2 relays at the event!

EYE and EAR protection is required. All current and standard range rules apply. RSO’s will be observing!

No age limit, but juniors under age 10 are not allowed to shoot due to our Insurance carrier.

Any rifle, any sight (Scope, and Magnification, or Open (aperture) are allowed

Front and Rear rest is recommended

Course of fire is one 5-minute sight in period (unlimited shots), followed by…

5 minute break to reload magazines…

Target 1 – 10 shots in 10 minutes

5-minute break -2 fouling shots in the bank or on sighter target are permitted between T1 and T2

Target 2 – 10 shots in 10 minutes

Any T1 or T2 targets showing more than 10 shots will result in Highest score being eliminated from that target

T1 = 100pts; T2 = 100pts –No exceptions; count your shots

Spotting scopes are permitted

Targets are provided

Range fee – $10/Match  –  Juniors 10-18 Fee is $5/Match

Shoot chairman: Gerry Von Blohn:  gerryvb@verizon.net