Mainville Sportsmen’s Club
Minutes for the Meeting held
January 20, 2022
Call to Order:
The January 20, 2022 meeting of the Mainville Sportsmen’s Club was called to order by President Denny Jaskiewicz at 7:00 p.m., followed by a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Twelve members and eight guests were present.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Secretary Lingousky read the minutes of the December 16, 2021 meeting. A motion was made by Mike Romig and seconded by Brad Berlin to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Due to Treasurer Hunsinger’s absence, no Treasurer’s report was given.
President’s Report:
Committee Reports:
Practical Pistol committee reported 23 shooters for the end of year shoot and 6 for the Polar Bear shoot the previous week.
Introduction of New Members:
The following new member applications were approved with no abstentions:
John Flynn A1112-00300
Brandon Maquire A1113-00427
Gary Treven A1114-00426
Brandon Boone A1115-00425
Derrick Burnett A1116-00424
Bryan Reid A1117-00423
Jeremy Reid A1118-00422
Joshwea Sink A1119-00421
Carter Sink JR1119.1
Landen Hoffman JR1119.2
Robert C. Frey A1120-00420
Old Business:
Member A604, Matthew Titter, who had been expelled at last meeting, presented his apology to the membership, expressed remorse, offered restitution for damages caused, and requested reinstatement to active membership per Club by-laws. After much discussion, on the condition that member A604 procures 2 sheets of Homosote and volunteers to work with the target committee to repair and replace targets, to which the member agreed, Mel Bardo made a motion to reinstate Matthew Titter, A604, to active membership. Mike Romig seconded the motion, the motion passed with none opposed.
Mike Romig demonstrated a large set of new steel targets that were set up in the Clubhouse. The ones on display are borrowed and the Steel committee would like to buy a set of these targets for approximately $4000. The committee would also need a storage unit in which to store the additional targets. An 8’ x 20’ shipping container for $3700 would be perfect for target storage. With additional steel targets, the Club could sponsor large steel shoots with potentially 150 -200 shooters, which would be a good fund-raiser for the Club. Mike Romig therefore made a motion to spend $10,000 on steel targets plus the storage unit. Brad Berlin seconded the motion and the motion carried with none opposed.
New Business:
President Jaskiewicz stated that the Friends of the NRA dinner for 2022 is scheduled for on or about March 23, 2022. Rod Bardo made a motion that the Club donate $450 for a firearm to the event. Jim Cunningham seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Billy Romig proposed that the Club create an account and put our events on the website. This would get our events seen by a larger audience and with a tablet at each pit, scores can be uploaded in real time. This would also make our Club visible to a larger audience and benefit the Club. Billy Romig volunteered to take the lead on this. Billy Romig made a motion that an expenditure of $4500 be authorized for the Steel challenge Committee to put the club on Practiscore and obtain the necessary equipment to operate it. Motion seconded by Jim Cunningham, motion carried.
Good and Welfare of the Club:
New member Bryan Reid volunteered to do the dinner for the February meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, on a motion to adjourn by Jim Cunningham, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce E. Lingousky
Joyce Lingousky, Secretary