Buffalo Rifle Shoot

The Buffalo Rifle Shoot is an event in which the contestants compete with firearms typical of those used by the early westerners in the Buffalo hunts of long ago. The rifles are pistol caliber lever action, big bore lever action, and big bore single shot. The Pistol calibers and the lever actions are the same as used in the Cowboy Action shooting, while the big bore calibers are those used in these rifles prior to 1890.

In all cases we are limited to lead bullets. We shoot steel targets of various shapes; some are animal outlines but most are round. Typically, they are 24″ or larger and are set at distances from 25 to 350 yards. The pistol targets are set out 25 to 100 yards, the lever action 50 to 200 yards, and the big bore single shot are usually set at 200 to 350 yards.

Our Buffalo Events are open events and we invite all who have an interest in this type of shooting to come and take part in the fun. You don’t need to be a member of the club. Spend a morning or an afternoon with us, enjoy the companionship of fellow shooters and leave your worries at home.

The registration fee is $10.00 and we give out a framed certificate to the winners of each class along with the cherished “Bragging Rights” trophy.

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Dusty Ed Bergen
Phone: 570-384-4048

Jim David
Phone: 570-384-0935

Third Saturday of the month.  See the calendar at https://www.mainvillesportsmensclub.org/calendar/ for this year’s dates.

We open the doors at 8:00 a.m., the coffee pot is perking, you sign up and bat the breeze with the other shooters until the 9:45 a.m. safety meeting, 10:00 a.m. the shooting starts.  Entry fee of $10 per gun.