Call to Order:
The February 20, 2025 meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Twenty-three members and guests were present.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Secretary Lingousky read the minutes of the January 16, 2025 meeting. On a motion by Rod Bardo, seconded by John Stortzum, the minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Felegie presented the treasurer’s report for February. On a motion by Donna Romig, seconded by John Stortzum, the report was approved as read.
President’s Report:
Vice President’s Report:
VP Gerry VB reported that the NRA grant we applied for has passed 2 of the 3 reviews.
Committee Reports:
- Skeet and Trap reported $60 turned in
- Steel reported 7 shooters
- Practical Pistol reported 8 shooters
- Target committee reported that the roof on the rifle range has holes over benches 23 and 29 due to wind damage, repairs to be made in spring
Introduction of New Members:
The following 13 new members were approved:
Mark Shoemaker A1327
Chad Fenstermacher A1328
William Whitebread A1329
Robert Hamister A1330
Mike Cymbala A1331
Brexten Cymbala JR1331
Jan Zimmerman A1332
Mario Solis A1333
Gary Patterson A1334
Scott Merrell A1335
Kenneth Bair A1336
Camron Gabrielle JR1336
Harold English A1337
Nominations for the Offices of the President and Treasurer:
In opening the floor for nominations, President Jaskiewicz stated that he did not wish to seek re-election and nominated Gerry Von Blohn for President. Seconded by Mel Bardo. No other nominations were made, so the nominations for President were closed.
Nominations for Treasurer were opened. Donna Romig nominated Mike Felegie. Seconded by Rod Bardo. There being no other nominations for Treasurer, nominations for treasurer were closed.
Old Business:
New Business:
Good and Welfare of the Club:
Mel Bardo suggested that the duties of the secretary and membership director be separated due to the amount of work each position entails. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
JoJo Stortzum volunteered to bring sloppy joes, baked beans and chips for dinner to the March meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:23p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce E Lingousky
Joyce E Lingousky, Secretary
Directors in attendance at this meeting:
Dennis Jaskiewicz
Gerry Von Blohn.
Joyce Lingousky
Mike Felegie, Jr.
Donna Romig
Rod Bardo