January Minutes

Feb 24, 2025

Call to Order:
The January 16, 2025 meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Eleven members and two guests were present.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Secretary Lingousky read the minutes of the December 19, 2024 meeting. On a motion by Jim Cunningham, seconded by Rod Bardo, the minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report:
In Treasurer Felegie’s absence, Secretary Lingousky presented the treasurer’s report for December. On a motion by John Stortzum, seconded by Jeff Thompson, the report was approved as read.
President’s Report:
Vice President’s Report:
VP Gerry VB reported that the Friends of the NRA banquet will be held Friday, April 11, 2025. Tickets are $50 per person.
The Club will have a booth at the Early Bird Expo January 23-26, 2025 in the same location as last year.
Committee Reports:
Skeet and Trap reported $138 turned in

Introduction of New Members:
The following new members were approved:
Jack Bogart A1321
Michael Fiorentino A1322
Kenneth Worley – A1323
Shane Jordan A1324
JoJo Stortzum A1325
Jack Brack A1326

Old Business:
Twenty loads of millings have been delivered.
New Business:
The handicap parking area by the rifle range needs drainage work in the spring.
The berm on the skeet range should be extended to block the line of sight to the adjacent utility range. Denny suggested looking into a shadowbox fence. This topic will be revisited in better weather.
Due to the raising of the berms, the 200-yard targets can’t be seen over the top of the new berm. In the spring the board and committee chairmen will meet to come up with a plan to address this.
Secretary Lingousky stated that range rules have been updated due to insurance company requirements and that the minimum age for youth to shoot with adult supervision is 12, not 10 as it had been. Mel reported that the range rules signs posted outdoors will therefore need to be updated. Denny took the action item to get updated signs made.
Secretary Lingousky gave an update on the PA Game commission grant application. We plan to apply for a grant to install lighting on the skeet and trap range. Fromm electric will coordinate Keystone electric in designing and quoting on the lighting. Since we need to submit 3 quotes, Denny suggested we get quotes from Hayden and Mariano also.
Secretary Lingousky inquired about the status of the trail cameras. Jim Cunningham reported that most are broken or missing. As the cameras weren’t as useful as anticipated, we will abandon the idea of placing trail cameras. If we eventually get power to the skeet and trap range, we can revisit the idea of wired cameras on the structures there.
Good and Welfare of the Club:
JoJo Stortzum volunteered to bring a beef stroganoff dinner to the February meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce E Lingousky
Joyce E Lingousky, Secretary

Directors in attendance at this meeting:
Dennis Jaskiewicz
Gerry Von Blohn.
Joyce Lingousky
Rod Bardo


November Minutes

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