Field of Membership: Membership is open to any individual who is permitted by law to possess a firearm in the United States of America.
How to Join: To become a member, fill out an application form and sign a Liability Waiver form (click on the “Download Application” and the “Liability Waiver” links below). Present the completed membership application form, signed and dated liability waiver form, along with a check, money order, or cash for the initiation fee plus the first year’s dues ($170 total) to the officers at a membership meeting of the Club. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at the Clubhouse starting at 7 p.m., weather permitting. Photo ID is required to be shown at the time of initiation. If you are mailing in your application, please attach a photocopy of your driver’s license or other photo ID to your application form and don’t forget to include a signed copy of the Liability Waiver form. (The Liability Waiver form is a requirement by the Club’s current insurance company.)
Dues and Fees:
- The one-time initiation fee is $110 per person plus the first year’s dues of $60 for a total of $170 to join.
- A member’s spouse is excluded from the Initiation Fee but does pay annual dues.
- Junior members (under age 18) are free from the initiation fee until eligible for regular membership at age 18.
- Junior member annual dues are $1.
- Fee for replacement of lost electronic gate card: $8
- The Club’s fiscal year runs from April 1st thru March 31st of the following year for dues paying purposes.
If due to work schedule or other restriction you cannot attend a membership meeting in person, you can mail in your application along with a copy of your photo ID and your signed waiver form plus check or money order for $170 made payable to Mainville Sportsmen’s Club to:
Mainville Sportsman’s Club
Mifflinville, PA 18631
Please direct any questions about the status of your application to joyce@
Note: Any member who loses the right to possess a firearm for any reason is responsible for informing a member of the Board and for turning in his or her membership/access card. Any person who loses the right to possess a firearm is not permitted to access the Club as a guest of any member or in any other way gain access to any part of the Club.
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