Call to Order:
The July 18, 2024 meeting of the Mainville Sportsmen’s Club was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Thirty-two members and guests were present.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Secretary Lingousky read the minutes of the June 20, 2024 meeting. A motion was made by Jay Gross and seconded by Gary Sieverski to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Felegie presented the treasurer’s report for July. A motion to approve the report as presented was made by Jim Cunningham, seconded by Mike Romig. The motion carried.
President’s Report:
President Jaskiewicz thanked everyone who helped unload the clay birds we obtained through the NRA grant.
Committee Reports:
- Steel Committee reported 2 shooters
- Steel Challenge – 9
- PC3C – 12
- 100 yard 22LR benchrest had 16 adult, 5 junior shooters
Introduction of New Members:
The following 7 new members were approved:
Andrew Taylor – A1287
John Price – A 1288
Scott Eichelberger – A1289
Zachary Saracino – A1290
Anthony Saracino – A1291
Steven Kim – A 1292
Benjamin Morris -A 1293
Old Business:
Jay Gross reported that the small signs regarding the liability waiver forms are here and he will install them.
Mike Romig reported that the pit expansion project is expected to start in late July.
New Business:
Secretary Lingousky reported that the Pennsylvania Shooting Range Improvement program, funded by the PA game commission, is now open for grant applications. Member Adam Eckley has volunteered to help submit an application and Mike Romig volunteered to work with Adam to apply for a grant for the pit expansion.
Good and Welfare of the Club:
Jim Cunningham volunteered to provide dinner for the August meeting.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce E Lingousky
Joyce E Lingousky, Secretary
Directors in attendance at this meeting:
Denny Jaskiewicz
Gerry Von Blohn
Mike Felegie
Joyce Lingousky
Rod Bardo
Donna Romig