June Minutes

Jul 11, 2024

Call to Order:

The June 20, 2024 meeting of the Mainville Sportsmen’s Club was called top order at 7:00 p.m. with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thirty-four members and guests were present.  

Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Secretary Lingousky read the minutes of the May 16, 2024 meeting.  A motion was made by Ken Hall and seconded by Bill Keiser to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Felegie presented the treasurer’s report for June. A motion to approve the report as presented was made by Gerry Von Blohn, seconded by Rod Bardo. The motion carried.

President’s Report:

President Jaskiewicz reported that the clay birds we obtained through an NRA grant would be picked up June 28.  Any help unloading them would be appreciated.

Committee Reports:  

  • Steel Committee reported 7 shooters
  • Steel Challenge reported 11
  • Practical Pistol reported 16
  • Cowboys reported 7
  • Buffalo Rifle: 13 shooters
  • The inaugural 100 yard 22LR benchrest had 19 adult, 4 junior shooters 

Introduction of New Members:
The following 11 new members were approved:

Gary Allegrucci A1276.1

Douglas Van Brunt A1277

Dale Neiderhiser A1278

David Miller A1279

Terry Long A1280

Ted Long A1281

Matthew Farrell A1282

Joe Passaretti A1283

Craig Reichart A1284

Matt Harris A1285

Matt Lu A1286

Old Business:  

It was reported that the IBS group recently paid the club in full for their past shoots.

Jay Gross reported on pricing for signs displaying the liability waiver info. Rod Bardo made a motion to purchase one large metal sign and 6 small plastic signs. Seconded by Mel Bardo, the motion carried.

New Business:

Jim Cunningham reported that the wooden sign at the entrance is deteriorated and we need to look into a repair or replacement. 

Secretary Lingousky was asked to add the 22LR benchrest and the CMP shoots to the club website under the “Events” tab.

Good and Welfare of the Club:

Ken Hall volunteered to bring pizza to the July meeting.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce E Lingousky

Joyce E Lingousky, Secretary

Directors in attendance at this meeting:

Denny Jaskiewicz

Gerry Von Blohn

Mike Felegie

Joyce Lingousky

Rod Bardo


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Call to Order: The April 18, 2024 meeting of the Mainville Sportsmen’s Club began at 7:03 p.m. with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Twenty eight members and guests were present.   Approval of Meeting Minutes: Secretary Lingousky read the...

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January Minutes

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