Minutes for the Meeting held January 19, 2023

Jan 24, 2023

Call to Order:

The January 19, 2023 meeting of the Mainville Sportsmen’s Club was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Twenty eight members were present.  

Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Secretary Lingousky read the minutes of the December 15, 2022 meeting.  A motion was made by Jeff Thompson and seconded by Donna Romig to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Felegie read the Treasurer’s report for January. A motion to approve the report as presented was made by Billy Romig, seconded by Mike Romig. The motion carried.

President’s Report:

President Jaskiewicz reported that he is waiting for a reply from the IBS coordinator regarding their 2022 payment to the Club, which has not yet been received.

Committee Reports:  

Practical pistol reported 8 shooters. 

Steel: 8 shooters. 

Steel Challenge reported 22 guns

Introduction of New Members:
The following new members were approved with no abstentions:

Donald Shifflett A1178

Daniel Romberger A1179

Trystan Johnson A1180

Tenneson James Scott A1181

Donna Kreischer A1182

Brayden Herring JR1175.

Old Business:  


New Business:

Secretary Lingousky announced that new range rules have been published to add a list of prohibited targets.

Member Bill Toth announced that the upcoming special election on January 31st to replace retiring State Senator Gordner is important for Second Amendment rights.  He announced that candidate Lynda Schlegel-Culver has been endorsed by the Gun Owners of America and is a 2A friendly candidate.  Bill Toth made a motion that the Club endorse candidate Schlegel-Culver, the motion was seconded by Doyle Shadle. The motion carried.  Secretary Lingousky was asked to send a mass email to all members reminding them of the special election and of the club members’ endorsement.

Good and Welfare of the Club:

VP Moorhead announced that the Friends of the NRA dinner will be in March and requested a donation from the Club.  Rod Bardo made a motion that the Club donate $500 to the FNRA. Motion was seconded by Billy Romig, the motion carried.

President Jaskiewicz reminded everyone that the floor will be open for nominations for the offices of President and Treasurer at the February meeting. 

Donna and Mike Romig volunteered to do February meeting dinner.


There being no further business to discuss, on a motion to adjourn by Jeff Thompson, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce E. Lingousky

Joyce Lingousky, Secretary

Directors in attendance at this meeting:

Denny Jaskiewicz

Joyce Lingousky

Mike Felegie, Jr.

Curt Moorhead

Donna Romig


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