Range Rules
Range Rules and Standard Operating Procedures
- ) Any person who enters the range is automatically agreeing to participate in the Waiver of Liability Agreement – a copy of which is posted at the range, the clubhouse, the website, and/or has been signed by the person as part of participating in Club activities.
- ) General rules of firearm safety to be used at all times.
- ) Eye and Ear protection must be used at all times
- ) No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed before or during shooting session.
- ) Keep all loaded firearms pointed downrange, actions open when not shooting.
- ) All shooting to stop upon hearing a “cease fire” command. Anyone may call a “cease fire” at any time.
- ) Absolutely no firing or handling of firearms when anyone is downrange or beyond the “firing line”.
- ) No vehicles or other equipment may be driven or parked beyond the firing line except for such activities as managing targets, unloading equipment, etc. during cease fire. Vehicles MUST be moved to behind the firing line before live fire.
- ) Members are fully responsible for the actions of their guest.
- One guest per member.
- A member is not limited to one family member, but is responsible for all family member actions.
- ) In the event of an accident or injury: (in order)
- Render first aid.
- If needed, call 911 and follow the instructions of the dispatcher.
- If 911 is called, send someone to the main road to guide emergency vehicles and, if available, send someone to the gate to stop anyone except authorized persons from entering and to stop anyone from leaving.
- Notify an officer of the Club as soon as possible.
- ) Share the range. Be courteous to others:
- Allow ample time for others to shoot between your target checks.
- Don’t spread your equipment out over many benches.
- Dispose of your targets properly.
- Police your brass.
- ) No shotguns (except slugs) are to be fired at Club-owned backstops.
- ) All bullets should impact on backstops or berms. All bullets must impact on Club property.
- ) Shooting of target stands, structures, props, or any Club-owned equipment is strictly forbidden.
- ) The shooting pits marked 1 through 6 are open for use by any member at any time except during Club-sanctioned events.
- In the pits, use only standard pistol caliber firearms and you must be a minimum of 10 yards from steel targets when shooting.
- Sub-guns are permitted to use the pits only if the shooter is, or is accompanied by, an “NRA Certified Range Safety Officer” or a “Mainville Sportsmen’s Club Range Safety Officer”.
- ) No tracer or incendiary ammunition during dry weather. No binary chemical targets at any time.
- ) You are NOT PERMITTED to use bottles, cans, rocks, or similar breakable items for targets. Only Club-approved targets are permitted, such as paper targets, steel targets (steel targets a minimum of 10 yards with pistol caliber Handgun or carbine, and a minimum of 100 yards with rifle), self-sealing targets and the like.
- ) No vehicles on range in wet weather.
- ) Hunting on Club property is “members only” and shooting ranges are not open during rifle deer hunting season. Range is open on Sundays if it is not an approved deer hunting day.
- ) Range will be closed for grass mowing and maintenance. Shooters must obey range access signs.
- ) If there is any activity at the Clubhouse, inform the parties of your intention to shoot before doing so.
- ) Any large shooting activity that will close up any portion of the range for an extended period must be proposed in advance at a regular membership meeting, for approval at least two weeks prior to such activity. Upon this approval, that portion of the range will be posted “closed” with signage and, if possible, posted on the Club website and/or Facebook page.
- ) Willful disregard of these rules could result in loss of range privileges, expulsion from the Club, and/or civil or criminal prosecution.
- ) The range officers of the Club have absolute authority of the enforcement of the range rules. The witness(es) of the violation of Club rules or illegal activities on Club property should contact a range officer or board member immediately. Identification must be provided to an officer of the Club upon request.
- ) Any range officer has the authority to evict any member and/or their guest for violating range rules or for basic safety violations.
- ) Junior members must be 12 years of age or older to shoot and must have adult supervision
Officers may be reached by:
Mainville Sportsmen’s Club
P.O. Box 567
Mifflinville, PA 18631
Denny Jaskiewicz
Vice President
Gerry Von Blohn
Mike Felegie, Jr.
Joyce Lingousky
Note to new members: Please register your email by clicking on the “Subscribe to Newsletter” link below to receive mailings and updates sent to all Club members. Thank you.
Updated: 1/14/2025